Keeping on top of the housework also working to earn money and raising a young family can often feel very difficult.
Knowing how to do housework when you have hardly any spare time can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to find a routine you can stick to.
Not everyone has hours and hours to spare to keep the house clean. Most of us have children, jobs, a new baby, or school activities to keep us busy. Finding the time to do daily housework will may you under control.
So you need a solution and a flexible plan. What are the things you need to do every day to keep things neat, tidy, and clean?
What can you leave for once a week and what about fortnightly?
Find out the secret to keeping your housework under control.
Because once everything is tidy, away, and freshly hoovered my mind feels calmer, less cluttered, and more ready to focus on a single task.
One thing I have achieved is that taking an organized approach to housework means I can keep it under control and spend less of my time on it.
9 Simple Tips to Stay on Top of Housework
1. Plan
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
One of the easiest ways to keep on top of housework is to create a housework or chores list and also a schedule for when you plan to do the different tasks. So, let’s start with creating a housework or chores list.
- Make beds
- Wash dishes
- Laundry
- Dusting
- Floor cleaning
- Trash
If you tackle these chores on a systematic basis, the grime won’t pile up so badly. Every day, choose a few chores from each list, and by the end of the quarter, your house will be shining.
2. Prioritize
Decide what’s most important and how long those cleaning jobs take, and fit them into your busy schedule.
Apart from making a routine of things to be done daily, you can also set a priority table for yourself at the beginning of each day.
Put all those things on the list that you think need immediate attention.
Get them done and out of the way first before you proceed to the less urgent things.
If there’s time left over after your priority tasks, you can fill in the gaps with the less important jobs.
3. Schedule your task (Choose time appropriate chore)
Schedule a time to tackle some of the larger chores, and work on some of the smaller jobs in between.
Plan out when you will get each thing done and spread it out over the week, so you are not overwhelmed.
If you have a super busy schedule, can’t keep on top of housework, and have very little time for the household chores.
Choose the jobs which only take a few seconds, such as cleaning the bathroom mirror, do it next time you visit.
Clean while you bathe, this saves you a lot of your time.
And you don’t want to find another time to clean toilets.
That way, when you’ve got a free five minutes, you’ll know which tasks you can do in under that time.
You won’t find yourself wasting precious seconds and you’re house will be much cleaner and neater for it!
It’s also much easier to realistically schedule your chores so that you know which chores require a whole afternoon and which ones can be done in less than an hour.
4. Spend time for daily task
Have a basket for everyday toys. It takes seconds to toss them in the basket.
Spend a few minutes picking up and organizing clothing.
Keep your laundry organized so you no longer have laundry pile-ups.
Separate your colors and whites in the laundry.
Put clothing in the laundry organized and ready to do daily. Doing a little bit each day will keep you from spending all weekend scrubbing.
5. Do the dishes straight away
Dishes can pile up quickly in your kitchen, but they’re pretty easy to clean.
Most dishes can be easily washed either by hand in the sink.
Doing dishwashing after every meal helps to reduce the dishes.
Push any leftover food on your dishes into the trash can. This quickly clears your plate and makes washing it easier later on.
If you have a garbage disposal, you can put any uneaten food down the drain while your disposal is running.
You can’t hide dirty dishes in the sink for long! The smell will give you away pretty quickly.
6. Meal prep
Certain cooking chores can drain your time and drag you down. Meal planning and prepping help you spend less time in the kitchen.
To make meal prepping a regular practice and enjoy all the benefits, there are some keys to making this habit easy enough to stick to.
Do what works best for your schedule, if it’s a task that needs to be broken up into a couple of days,
7. Prepare the night before
To save time in the morning, you should save some of your toughest decisions like what you’re going to wear and what items you need for work that day.
It’s just a quick walk around the house to make sure everything is back in its place, so we can start the new day with a clean slate. A simple night time cleaning routine makes your day the best.
You’ll be able to tailor your routine around how much time you need to get ready each morning.
A quick nighttime routine:
- Do quick kitchen nighttime clean after dinner.
- Layout your clothes (for you and kids)
- Todos are another thing you can prep
- If you are a morning exerciser, plan your workout the night before.
8. Make a Routine
Make everyone make their bed every day.
It’s the start to getting organized and making routines that help with everyday simplicity.
Have your daily cleaning routine and weekly cleaning routine. Keep it simple and real! A good housework routine is getting into the habit of doing some chores consistently.
These are tasks you do every day or several times a day as part of your daily life.
If you don’t have a routine, don’t worry! practice a few tasks every day.
Gradually it will become part of your life. It also works when it comes to housekeeping & knowing what is happening & when is so important.
A good housework routine can help you stay ahead of your housework and prevent things from piling up.
9. Be realistic
Try to work on one room at a time and make sure you have the proper tools for the job.
This will help your work go faster and prevent you from running all over trying to get different jobs in different rooms done.
Focus on one thing at a time and you will be far more effective.
Clean as you go. Don’t procrastinate about little cleaning jobs.
If something needs to be done do it. hopefully feel more confident in how you can maintain your home daily!
When you have a routine, your home will be a more enjoyable place to live.
It takes two weeks for a habit to stick, so give it a good effort and I promise you’ll see a change in the way you look at your housework .
I will see you soon in another blog post!
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