Do you have a regular evening routine as a working mom? Here in this blog post you will get to know about the best practical working mom evening routine.
Evening routines for moms that erase stress and give peace. I have collected several tips and habits that help to calm the morning chaos.
Photo by Lena Mytchyk on Unsplash
I’m a busy mom and as much as I like schedules, routines, and systems, there are only 24 hours in a day.
If you’re a mom doing all the things like I do cleaning the house, paying the bills, helping kids with schoolwork, or working from home staying on top of your time matters.
Then a relaxing evening routine is a must for you!
As I told you before we all have the same 24 hours in a day. And as a mom who’s always juggling, you have to make the most of them.
Although I used to talk about the power of morning routines, I do believe that evening routine are even more important.
When you wake up each morning feeling rested, it’s so much easier to get things done and power through your busy mom days.
Learn my favorite tips and tricks of working mom evening routine to streamline your evening routine and help get your mornings in stress-less mode.
A Practical Working Mom Evening Routine Ideas
1. Self-care routine
To keep home life and work-life functioning at top-notch, working moms need all the energy they can get.
After the kids have gone to bed there is a ton to do and little time to do it before passing out. Working self-care into your evening routine can feel complicated.
These evening routine ideas can help, they include self-care tips and a few easy activities you can do to help you wind down and relax.
a. Get a hot shower to help you relax
A warm shower can help just as well.
The steam from a hot shower can help to clear your head, and the warm water helps your muscles to loosen up and relax.
A nice, hot shower or bath can also help to prepare your body for sleep.
b. Skincare
Taking care of your skin does not have to cost a ton of money or take a ton of time. My evening daily skin care regiment looks a lot like this
- wash your face with a gentle cleanser (usually in the shower to save more time)
- use toner (every few days or as needed)
- Some special treatments ( vitamin c serum or a face mask)
- moisturize
c. Hydrate
Hydrating before sleeping at night will improve your blood circulation. That means, your body will perform cleansing at a cellular level.
Stay Hydrated Without Frequent Urination at Night · Reduce fluid consumption an hour or two before bed.
Make nighttime moisturizing a routine, especially during the winter months. You’ll notice improvements in your skin.
It feels nice to hydrate your skin at the end of a busy day. I love putting lotion on my feet and then putting on some soft socks just before going to bed.
Overnight is a great time to easily get some much-needed moisture to these often-neglected areas. Depending on your sleep schedule, you have perhaps seven to eight hours to effectively treat the dry skin.
2. Preparation routine (Prep for tomorrow)
One sure way to have a stressed morning is to prep the night before.
a. Prep lunches
School lunch prep can be a huge time-suck in the morning. I felt that it is a mess that is created in the process.
Part of having more time in the morning means using your time on the nights and weekends wisely.
b. Make a to-do list for the next day
The best way to get organized and keep on top of all of the things you would like to accomplish is to keep a to-do list.
You can put your to-do list in your calendar, you can use an app, or you can write it all down on a paper to-do list.
I know many moms de-clutter their brains before bed by jotting down a list for the next day. By keeping such a list, you make sure that your tasks are written down all in one place so you don’t forget anything important.
Every morning I plan out my to-do list for the day using the top section of the page, crossing things off as I get them done, and moving them forward to a new day if I don’t.
c. Get the clothes ready
Laying out clothes can be so important to prep for the next day. This is true especially if you have multiple children. Finally Make sure about your outfit for the day, so that everything will be in a place for you.
d. Evening cleaning routine
I recommend doing an evening time cleaning routine as part of an evening routine for busy moms like us.
The evening cleaning routine is really important for making sure that the house is clean and our day starts well the next morning.
My tip for keeping the kitchen clean is to clean up after myself while I cook. If you can clean as you go, it reduces your clean-up time later.
Here’s my simple evening cleaning routine:
- Quick pickups there and here
- Quick Kitchen Decluttering and cleaning
- Put Away Folded Laundry
- Washing the remaining dishes, especially for tomorrow’s meal cooking
- Wipe tables, and countertops, and sweep the floor if necessary
e. Order your groceries
What about your groceries?
Nowadays I felt or I would say that my life became so easier with these online grocery shopping platforms.
Online grocery shopping has never been easier. Before that it was on my Saturdays or Sundays I find my time for a huge grocery shopping for a week.
It was a chaotic process, but sometimes I enjoy our traditional way of shopping for groceries.
Need things fresh? Whether it’s fruits and vegetables or dairy and meat,
Go ahead and schedule your pick-up the night before to ease the stress of the next day.
3. Relaxation routine
To find the right balance between work and leisure, and to be able to relax in our free time is no easy task.
Our mind, body, and spirit need to take a break from time to time, so we can feel rejuvenated and be ready for the next challenges with fresh energy and a clean mind.
a. Take time to connect with your partner
Watch some TV together or just spend some quality time together. This is my favorite part of my day watching our favorite show together.
If watching it makes a couple feel together then it has a positive.
b. Playing some relaxing music
Music improves sleep by calming parts of the autonomic nervous system, leading to slower breathing, lower heart rate, and reduced blood pressure.
Many people with poor sleep associate their bedrooms with frustration and sleepless nights. Music is a simple and easy way to improve sleep quality.
c. Get some walk
One of the best ways to relieve the stresses of the day is to simply walk them away.
To be close to nature is a deep and essential need of human beings. Go for a relaxing walk, breath the fresh air, and pay attention to the smells and sounds around you, so you can lose yourself in the experience.
Walking briskly or jogging does calm you down by sparking nerve cells in the brain that relax the senses, new research has shown.
Final Thought
Do you have an evening routine?
When you wake up each morning feeling rested, it’s so much easier to get things done and power through your busy mom days.
Establishing a great evening routine is one of the first steps to creating more productive days.
Do you have any evening routine as a busy mama?
I’m excited for you to get started on your evening routine. If you already have a routine, make it better so it’s more helpful and nourishing for you.
Which is your favorite evening routine and do you have any other tips to add? Let me know in the comment box below!
I will see you soon in another blog post.
Please don’t forget to pin this for later!
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